“The Robert F. Smith Endowment for Learning Resources in Hong Kong” (the Endowment) inspired by Mr. Robert F. Smith, a business leader and philanthropist in America who is enthusiastic at inequality elimination through education reform, was established in December 2022.
基金的 Robert F. Smith 資訊科技表現獎旨在表揚於資訊科技方面有卓越表現,並為有興趣於資訊科技/STEM/STEAM相關領域作進一步發展及學習的學童提供獎學金資助。獎項分設高小組及初中組,每個組別會選出一名得獎者,2名得獎者將獲發獎學金(高小組: $3,000及初中組:$5,000)。
We will invite the partner schools to nominate the eligible students in January and the result will be announce in June.